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ACCEPTS stands for 'Autism Acceptance Concepts for Carers, Encouraging Positive Perspectives, and Tackling Stigma'. This is a proven early intervention (at the point of diagnosis)  that will help parents/family carers cope with autism-related stigma as well as prevent the internalisation of stigma:

  • The programme consists of 8 weekly group meetings every Thursday evening starting from Thursday 3rd October 2019 at 8pm. The first, fourth and eight meetings take place in-person at a locally arranged venue. The other five meetings (meetings 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7) will take place online through free Zoom videoconference so you can join them in the comfort of your own home (or another private place of your choice). The sessions last between 60 and 90 minutes.

  • The aim of ACCEPTS is to help improve your well-being by learning and sharing experiences together in a confidential, safe, supportive and friendly group environment facilitated by one of our experts by experience, with in-depth knowledge of ACCEPTS.

  • It also aims to develop skills to be able to address and challenge the misunderstandings, stereotypes and misconceptions of autism, and in turn view autism in a positive, hopeful light.

  • You will have the opportunity to share experiences and support each other in a safe and friendly environment.

  • There is no cost to participating although you will need a computer or mobile device capable of providing reliable videocalls.

  • Only 12 places are available so if you are interested please register your interest quickly.

If you would like to learn more about ACCEPTS, including potentially participating or commissioning it for your service, please contact us at

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©2019 London Autism Group Charity
Charity no. 1176341

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